
[Herald Interview] Korea's space sector should strive for 'balanced portfolio'

"Steve Chien, long-time NASA engineer, advises importance of having diverse space ecosystem" + The Korea Herald


Innovation: AI and the global software arms race

"AI is essential to the cyber space. In cyber, one can create hundreds or thousands of ‘software agents’ far easier than building physical tanks, airplanes, ships or missiles." + Irish Times


Steve Chien interview: Why NASA is inventing curious AI for deep space

"Space probes will be the first to explore the furthest reaches of our solar system and beyond. To make discoveries like finding alien life, they will need to think more like humans, says NASA’s Steve Chien" + New Scientist


Feds Offer Recommendations on Scaling AI

"'We recognize that establishing justified confidence in AI system is the critical issue in seeing AI systems deployed widespread. And for that, we need robust and reliable AI, testing evaluation verification and validation, we need leadership among the different institutions that will be deploying the AI, we need rules of the road in accountability in governance, and we also need to develop patterns for human and AI interaction and teaming is a very critical point,' Dr. Steve Chien, Commissioner at the NSCAI, said." + MeriTalk


U.S. Unprepared for AI Competition with China, Commission Finds

"The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence is out with its comprehensive final report recommending a path forward for ensuring U.S. superiority in AI that calls for the Defense Department and the intelligence community to become “AI-ready” by 2025." + Nextgov


AI commission sees ‘extraordinary’ support to stand up tech-focused service academy

"The report also recommended creating a Digital Service Academy, modeled after the five current military service academies, that would “grow tech talent with the same seriousness of purpose that we grow military officers,” and train current and future federal employees." + Federal News Network


Mission to Mars: No humans need apply

"The real Captain Kirk, the ambassador from Earth who will travel to the farthest reaches of the solar system and the galaxy, is much more likely to be an assemblage of microprocessors and intelligent software, than a Spandex-clad space captain." + Irish Times


NASA JPL’s AI chief on interstellar robot meetings and the search for ET

"Chien was one of the speakers at the recent National Analytics Summit held in Dublin by the Analytics Institute, where he revealed the work underway at [NASA] to use machine learning and other autonomous technologies to bring warp-like speeds to the rate of cosmic discoveries." + Silicon Republic


U.S. National Security Commission Warns Pentagon Of Falling Hopelessly Behind In The AI Arms Race

"An interim report compiled by a U.S. national security panel warns the U.S. government of falling too far behind China and Russia in the AI arms race, while calling for new investments to foster innovation." + Gizmodo


Space: the new AI frontier?

"In today’s media-rich environment the concept of artificial intelligence is hard to miss, but its role in our space-based systems is easy to overlook. In fact, for some applications, it is already embedded." + Engineering and Technology


Top tech execs named to new National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence

"Executives from major technology firms Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Oracle will serve on the new National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, along with former national security officials, leading academics and one sitting U.S. senator." + Inside Defense


NASA’s next Mars rover will use AI to be a better science partner

"NASA can't yet put a scientist on Mars. But in its next rover mission to the Red Planet, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is hoping to use artificial intelligence to at least put the equivalent of a talented research assistant there." + Ars Technica


Artificial Intelligence At NASA - Interview with Steve Chien, Head of AI, NASA-JPL

"From rovers to satellite imagery analysis, AI is a powerful tool in the agency's quest to advance human scientific knowledge. But today, AI is also a powerful tool for businesses." + YouTube


Curiosity Gets More Curious - To make Curiosity (et al.) more curious, NASA and ESA smarten up AI in space.

"The future of deep-space exploration? 'We can't deal with it without autonomy'" + Ars Technica


Toquin TEC 1. Capítulo 2: Steve Chien x Diego Slezak

"Steve Chien es el director del grupo de inteligencia artificial en el laboratorio de propulsión de la NASA, Estados Unidos. Y con Diego Slezak, uno de los referentes más fuertes en el campo de la inteligencia artificial de Argentina, se encuentran para conversar cómo es aplicar esa tecnología en el espacio." + YouTube


NASA Has Switched Off A Groundbreaking Satellite After 17 Years

"EO-1 out-performed everyone’s expectations and pushed the boundaries of satellite technology. Among its contributions, it was able to help our understanding of the Earth, observe the extreme disasters of the last 17 years, further AI tech for satellites, and pioneer satellite formation flying" + Forbes


The Silicon Valley Summer Camp Trying To Save Us From Extinction

"the data-digesting talents of deep learning aren’t just useful for designing autonomous robot explorers for the oceans believed to be on Jupiter’s moon Europa, for instance, but for finding signs of extraterrestrial life." + Fast Company


How NASA's Search for ET Relies on Advanced AI

"Jet Propulsion Laboratory's artificial intelligence chief describes the 'ultimate' test for AI in space exploration." + Scientific American


While earthlings take a break, the Mars rover keeps working

"While many of us will spend the final days of 2017 taking a break from work, the ChemCam instrument aboard NASA's Mars Curiosity rover will keep busy." + LANL Press Release


NASA's Lessons For AI In Business Are Out Of This World

"AI holds the key to our quest to finding our place in the universe. 'Distant environments are so hostile – and so far away – that robotic explorers will be first to explore the nooks and crannies of the solar system, and indeed, neighbouring stars. Due to the complexity of such an endeavour, AI will be critical to making this inevitable exploration possible.'" + AI Business


Steve Chien, NASA: On how automation helps monitor natural hazards and the future of AI

"Today, there are now global networks of sensors on volcanoes, linked with satellites, producing relevant alerts to help organisations make the right decisions. The data generated by this, through seismic sensors, remote imaging, atmospheric modelling and more, goes into the terabits each day. As more processes become automated, through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, more can get done." + IoT News


Extraterrestrial Hunters

"Meet the Robots Helping in the Quest to Find Extraterrestrial Life Today, robots roam the deep seas and the slopes of volcanoes. Their next mission: the search for life beyond earth" + Wall Street Journal


NASA: A 60-Year Interstellar Trip Needs a "Self-Healing" Ship

"[An interstellar spacecraft], Chien emphasizes, 'needs to be self-healing, self-aware, able to manage all these things, manage problems that come up… It’s pretty much on its own.'" + Inverse


Exactly How A.I. Could Be the First to Find Extraterrestrial Life

"A critical aspect of NASA’s mission to explore our solar system and beyond is artificial intelligence, especially in uncrewed probes that venture into deep space beyond our solar system. So it stands to reason that if there is extraterrestrial life sitting out there in the solar system, an artificially intelligent system will find aliens before humans do." + Inverse


Artificial intelligence helps explore Mars ... and go further

The AEGIS system allows the robot 'Curiosity' to study the composition of the red planet in less time and in an almost autonomous way. + El Pais


NASA: AI Will Lead the Future of Space Exploration

"Steve Chien and Kiri Wagstaff of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory have predicted that in the future, the behavior of space probes will be governed by AI rather than human prompts from earth." + Futurism


NASA? More like NASAI: Brainy robots 'crucial' to space exploration

"Autonomous space robots are going to be key to making new discoveries and exploring the furthest reaches of our Solar System and beyond, according to NASA scientists." + The Register


A.I. Will Prepare Robots for the Unknown

"How do you get a robot to recognize a surprise? That's a question artificial intelligence researchers are mulling, especially as A.I. begins to change space research..." + JPL Press Release


Laser-targeting A.I. Yields More Mars Science

"Artificial intelligence is changing how we study Mars. A.I. software on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has helped it zap dozens of laser targets on the Red Planet this past year," + JPL Press Release


Space Robots Will Work for Decades in Alpha Centauri Before Humans

"Forget about Mars for a second. If humanity is to ever reach Alpha Centauri — the nearest star system that claims the potentially habitable planet Proxima Centauri b — we’ll likely rely on artificial intelligence-powered spacecraft to put in years and probably decades, of the prep work before we arrive at the destination 4.37 light-years away." + Inverse


Curiosity Doesn't Need Your Help Blasting Rocks with a LASER

"As cars here on Earth begin to drive themselves and robots autonomously roam sidewalks delivering food and nearly running over dogs, over on Mars, the Curiosity rover very much remains a remotely piloted vehicle." + Wired


The Curiosity rover and other spacecraft are learning to think for themselves

"Autonomous science-bots will make it easier to explore our solar system … and beyond." + Popular Science


When We Go to Mars, Will We Have a Real-Life HAL 9000 With Us?

"How generations of NASA scientists were inspired by an evil Hollywood supercomputer..." + Smithsonian Magazine


Should your next big hire be a chief A.I. officer?

As companies increasingly turn to artificial intelligence to communicate with customers, make sense of big data and find answers to vexing questions, some say it’s time to think about hiring a chief A.I. officer. + Computer World


NASA's scientists formed a club to dream up uses for AI like self-replicating robots and harpooning comets

"To conjure up ideas outside of the space agency's regular mission cycle, top minds from JPL's artificial intelligence research teams have formed an informal group to talk about the big questions, like how autonomous robots could help space exploration around distant stars and methods for leveraging huge celestial bodies to carry our AI around the solar system." + Quartz


The Journey of NASA's Smartest Satellite Finally Comes To an End

Retrospective of 16 years of operations of the EO1 spacecraft, including more than a decade under control of the AI group's Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment software that managed day to day operations and on-board science analysis. +Wired Article


How A.I. Captures a Volano's Changing Lava Lake

AI group Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment software onboard EO-1 captures images of the lava lake in Ethiopia's Erta Ale volcano and rounds out 12 years of autonomous operations for the spacecraft. +JPL Press Release


NASA develops AI for future exploration of extraterrestrial subsurface oceans

"NASA is developing technology that could enable autonomous navigation of future underwater drones studying subsurface oceans on icy moons like Jupiter's Europa. The agency is working on artificial intelligence (AI) that would allow submersibles to make their own decisions during exploration of extraterrestrial water worlds." + Article


US lead on AI will shrink without more funding and education

Experts tell Ted Cruz's Senate hearing that China, India and others aren't far behind. +Endgadget Article


Senate Testimony: The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence

Testimony by Dr. Steve Chien of the JPL AIG and other industry experts to the US Senate Subcommittee on Space, Science, and Competitiveness regarding applications and future of artificial intelligence. +Senate.gov


From Monterey Bay to Europa

JPL press release describing deployment of artificially intelligent submersible science robots to Montery Bay. The technology demonstrates a step toward autonomous exploration of ocean worlds such as Europa. +JPL Press Release


NASA Mars Rover Can Choose Laser Targets on Its Own

Press release describing deployment of AEGIS software to the MSL rover, allowing it to condust autonomous follow-up science data gathering on Mars. +JPL Press Release


Los cerebros de la Inteligencia Artificial



Thinking Inside the Box, Launching into Space

+JPL Press Release


AEGIS wins NASA Software of the Year Award

+JPL Press Release


NASA Sensors Providing Rapid Estimates of Iceland Volcano Emissions

+NASA Press Release


NASA Goes Inside a Volcano, Monitors Activity

+JPL Press Release


Intelligent Beings in Space!

+ New York Times



JPL Team Honored With NASA's Software of the Year Award

Software developed by a team of engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, has been selected to receive NASA's Software of the Year Award. The ASE software helps scientists monitor environmental events on Earth, such as volanic eruptions, floods and wildfires. + JPL Press Release



Software Learns to Recognize Spring Thaw

Spring thaw in the Northern Hemisphere was monitored by a new set of eyes this year -- an Earth-orbiting NASA spacecraft carrying a new version of software trained to recognize and distinguish snow, ice, and water from space. + JPL Press Release


Agents of Change

"Autonomous agents are still in the labs but could eventually play a critical role in areas ranging from setting market prices to creating more resilient networks." Industry press coverage of the rise of autonomous agents, with specific focus on the AI group's Autonomous Sciencecraft agent operating on-board NASA's EO1 spacecraft. + Computerworld Article



New Software on NASA Spacecraft Monitors Active Volcano

Software on a NASA spacecraft recently made a scientific observation on its own without human interaction. The ST6 Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment captured images of Antarctica's Mt. Erebus and detected volcanic activity. + JPL Press Release



NASA Satellites Eye Forest Fires

If a forest catches fire and no one is around to see it, can it call for help? The forest cannot call, but thanks to new technology developed by NASA, firefighters may get the word faster through new, high-tech eyes in the sky. + JPL Press Release



Artificial Intelligence Software to Command Mission

NASA software that thinks for itself and makes decisions without help from ground controllers will fly as the brains of triplet satellites in 2002. + JPL Press Release